victoria carpenter holmes, aia

architect / interior designer

As a Navy-brat, Victoria is a born-and-bred world traveler. Growing up moving every 6-18 months, she developed a deep appreciation for the places and spaces we call home, and the things that make us feel at home. After graduating from her 13th school, Victoria moved to Austin to study architecture at the University of Texas at Austin to learn what makes places special. She has been calling Austin home ever since.

Now, as an architect, Victoria is passionate about creating meaningful places through developing thoughtful design, executing smart project planning, and advocating for complete communities. She strives to preserve design integrity and client intention when negotiating the realities of the design and building process. Victoria is delighted to be a part of Cuppett Kilpatrick Architects where she enjoys collaborating with clients on their ideas about home.

In her free time, you can find Victoria tending to her vintage home and native garden with her husband.